Greetings from the epicenter of the Bakken Oil Formation.
Since my last post, our short fall has since slipped away and winter has been with us for a couple months now.
We have gathered and brought home pairs, weaned calves, ultra-sounded (pregnancy checked) cows and carried out the typical 'winter activities' that normally go on in the high plains region.
Our last couple months in pictures (and in reverse order):
Kyle with Santa Clause. ONLY ONE request: A REAL cement truck that makes REAL cement. No problem. |
Pete bringing hay to the home place after an early significant accumulation in November. |
November brought the North Dakota Angus Association annual meeting and awards banquet. Above is the awards table as well as an inventory of North Dakota wine which was auctioned to benefit an Angus family which had recently faced tragedy. |
The head table that was honored at the annual banquet. Duane and Rita Opp were awarded the 'Man of the Year' award recognizing Angus breeders for their life time achievement. To their right, the Lambourn family, 'Commercial Breeder's of the Year'. This award recognizes commercial cattlemen for their commitment to stewardship and Angus cattle. |
Dr. Gullickson ultra-sounding cows in November. The majority of the herd was ultra-sounded in October (when the fetuses are easy to image, age and sex). During this same 'chute run' in November all the cows were boosted (for adulthood vaccinations) and 'bled' to screen them for two diseases of concern in the domestic brood cow population, Johnes and Leukosis. |
The cows being gathered for their November chute work.... the equivalent of 'flu clinics' for humans. |
Kyle and Grandpa Lyle enjoying the first snow fall of the year in early October. |
Huckle napping in the dirty laundry. |
Kyle and Great Grandma Olga on Halloween |
Our 'birthdays of fall' being celebrated - Brad, Pete, Lee and Kyle. |
Bringing cows home from summer / fall pastures. Pete and our friend, Jason McLennon crossing Rough Creek. |
Eva and I 'turning' the herd. |
Trailing a group home from the Rough Creek pasture... Pete and Dos, Kurt and Oops, Jason McLennon and Hoss.
Our trip to Fargo for the NDSU Homecoming game! GO BISON (and yes, they are still going)! |
Kyle and Grandma Rita harvested their squash and sunflowers in late September. Lucky me! I had a beautiful fall display on the fire place hearth.
Here is to a fall of reflection and meaning which 'fell' right into a winter that to date has been about right! Until next time, HAPPY TRAILS!
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