One of my favorite places on the ranch, the Big Hay Divide. The confluence of the Little Missouri and Cherry Creek in the back ground. |
Yesterday, Brad and I (yes, Brad is finally back) took the horses out scouting fence in one of the biggest, roughest pastures that we have. Lucky for me, and probably unlikely for Brad, he is fixing the 'issues' that we found yesterday on this fine, hot, windy day. When yesterday was said and done we each had eight 'saddle contact' hours invested into the scouting mission and the bad spots in the fence identified for mending.
Brad catching up on his incoming text messages at a local 'service area'! |
The great thing about jobs like scouting, they are excellent foundation builders for the rookies. Maggie is one of our three rookies this year. Since Kyle was born we have entered into a relationship with a wonderful horseman, trainer and friend, Kevin Vesey who annually takes in our two year olds and 'starts' them. I equate those first 30 days to the human equivalent of grade school. We get these junior high kids back and put them to work gaining 'experience' that down the road will make them productive members of the equine society and good ranch hands for cowboys that prefer to purchase veteran horses rather than ride their own colts.
Little Miss Maggie taking it all in on her first day of junior high. |
Today was an entirely off the wall day around here. We have been struggling with random assaults on our privacy (which is minor in the bigger scheme of things, but still uncomfortable) and our property... not only the property we own, but also the property we lease. These assaults bother me mainly because I feel a lack of human decency and personal responsibility (on a 'society' level) when I see these things. From time to time, they also hit us in the pocket book and cut into 'our time cards' around here.
The specifics of the issues today (although picture worthy) are not nearly as important as what it reminded of. That REMINDER, the affirmation of relationships that we have on a local level. People that have our backs and understand the importance of community and taking care of each other and our resources. From the McKenzie Co Rd # 37 blade operator (BTW, we have the BEST road crew from here to anywhere and back again - you absolutely can't find better), to the sheriff's department and it's deputies (who give so much and work so hard to keep folks and stuff around here safe), to the law enforcement officer with the Forest Service and other folks in that office trying every day to carry out the multiple use mission of these lands.
My recommendation - DON'T DO THIS.... |
It is hard in these busy, hectic times to appreciate each other like we should, but it is so, so very important. It is not only important from our own human relations standpoint, but it is also important to TEACH OUR KIDS and OTHER YOUNG PEOPLE how and why to appreciate each other. It is the seed that respect grows from. Just like fostering traits that make horses good members of the equine society, it is important to do the same with human society's youth. Our project for tomorrow, write some 'thank-you' notes to those mentioned above and have Kyle help me sign, address and mail them.
So, from our little piece of heaven (although sometimes tainted slightly with an undertone of 'rural public nuisance attraction' and 'illegal red-neck off-roading') at the end of the road, here's to building and maintaining strong relationships built around mutual appreciation and teachin' our kids how to do the same!
Totally awesome that the truck as the business info on it. :) And wow, some people are complete idiots.
ReplyDeleteNancy, that was the defining piece of the event that made it photo worthy. The most disappointing part, half of this little gang, 3 of the 6, were local.
ReplyDeleteNancy, that was the defining piece of the event that made it photo worthy. The most disappointing part, half of this little gang, 3 of the 6, were local.